General gastrointestinal diseases in cats
We can find various diseases in this area. That's why, as a cat owner, it's very important to know what your four-legged friend can have if he's visibly unwell.
Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
These include gastritis (stomach), enteritis (small intestine) and colitis (large intestine). They are all unpleasant because you first have to find the root cause in the truest sense of the word. Various causes can be responsible for one of these inflammations. The unpleasant thing is that they are often the main symptom at the same time.
- constipation
- Diarrhea
- Too much or too little food intake
- Spoiled food
- Wrong food such as leftover food
- Poisonous substances or plants
- Bacterial and/or viral infections
- Parasites
- stress
- trauma
In order to stop the inflammation as quickly as possible, it is always important to see a veterinarian or an experienced animal health practitioner as quickly as possible. The longer you wait, the more it can spread and cause possible damage.
Constipation (constipation)
Yes, cats can also suffer from constipation. One of the reasons is too little water intake or too much dry food. Likewise, a lack of exercise, which can of course also occur in cats, can lead to constipation. Exercise, increased water intake and perhaps a little belly massage, if the cat allows it, can work wonders. If symptoms persist, a visit to the vet/animal health practitioner is essential.
The diarrhea
Diarrhea is never nice, but it can happen
- As a result of inflammation in a section of the digestive tract
- As a result of spoiled food or too fatty food
- As a result of ingesting toxic substances
If the diarrhea clears up within 24 hours, everything is fine again. However, if it turns gray or does not lie down on its own within this period of time, a visit to the vet/animal health practitioner is an absolute MUST.
The indigestion
General indigestion includes vomiting, loss of appetite and the like. Cats certainly vomit their hairballs from time to time. But this is the only reason that entitles them to do this. If you experience bouts of vomiting that doesn't go away on its own within one to two hours, you should go to a specialist.
The loss of appetite can sometimes be associated with another illness or be caused by a viral or bacterial disease. Other illnesses can also lead to this. If it lasts longer, the problem should be presented to veterinary practice.
Liver-related diseases
In cats, the liver is also very involved in the digestive process. If liver disease occurs, a subsequent disease of the digestive tract can always be assumed. A good combination must be found between treating the liver and the other systemic symptoms so that the cat is soon completely fit again.