Dog anal glands

The kids think it's kind of funny, the adults wonder what the dog's problems are. It's about sledding, which many dog ​​owners know from their dogs. It occurs from time to time and is often resolved on its own. There are two reasons for sledding - a massive infestation of intestinal parasites that are extremely spreading or, and this is the more common reason, a problem with the anal gland. That's what we're talking about today!

The itching of the anus

Sledding probably happens again and again. The dog slips back and forth on all surfaces that can alleviate his suffering - indoors on the carpet, outdoors on the grass and on the bare earth.

If it is actually a blocked anal gland, you should act quickly. Because the escaping secretion that is pressed into the carpet doesn't have the best smell. No wonder, as it is usually sold as a brand with the feces. In addition, these drops, which have a yellowish-brown color, can be seen very clearly.

How do the anal glands become blocked?

Usually the poop should be relatively solid. If this is the case, the feces will express the anal gland when it is passed and take the secretion with it. But if this is blocked, the secretion remains in place. This not only causes the gland to swell, but also causes itching.

The causes can usually be found in feeding or gastrointestinal problems. If the feces are too soft, the gland cannot be expressed during defecation. Due to the different stool consistency, it can be emptied one day and not the next. If the secretion is not released for several days, the entire area around the gland becomes inflamed. You can recognize this because the dog makes painful noises such as yelping or whining when sledding. Abscess formation rarely occurs. This must then be taken to the vet to have it opened.

How can you avoid this?

The best way to ensure that the feces are as solid as possible is to give them appropriate food. This depends on the type, which is why there cannot be a blanket recommendation. Bones or dried cattle ears should also be fed at regular intervals. They also ensure solid stool. But please not too much!

If a long-term diarrheal illness is the cause of the constipation, the problem will usually resolve itself once the diarrhea has subsided.

Recognize and act

Often the dog will first begin licking and biting itself in the anus region, more often and more intensely than normal. This can be the first sign of a blocked anal gland. Check this. If your dog tends to have this problem on a regular basis, you should ask your vet to show you how to empty the anal glands manually. This way you can protect your dog from constant sledding and prevent inflammation.